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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Year 6 Miss Pattison

Dates for your Diary:


Booster will now be every Tuesday and Wednesday for Y6 - 3:30pm - 4:45pm



Thursday 26th April - Spring Attendance Assemblies

Monday 7th May - May Day (School closed)

Monday 14th May - KS2 SATs week

Friday 25th May - Inservice Day

This is a very important year for Class 12. As you all know the SATs are coming up very shortly (14th May 2018) and we need to be prepared. Y6 will be expected to work very hard this year and attendance in school is key. 


Booster classes will be starting after half term and they will be  every Tuesday and Wednesday night from 3:45pm - 4:45pm. Please ensure all children attend. It is amazing how much the booster classes can really help. There will also be lunchtime clubs to help children with reading, writing, maths and SPaG. 




Literacy homework is sent out on a Thursday and is to be returned on a Monday. MyMaths homework is set on a Monday and is to be completed by the Thursday. This gives the children plenty of time to come and see their teacher if they are struggling and need some help.





PE lessons in Y6 are subject to change, so please ensure that children have their P.E kit every day. We will be going on many trips to take part in tournaments, so it is vital that children have their kits in for training. PE this term will be a Monday afternoon.






We encourage children to bring in their reading books everyday, this enables children to take part in paired reading activities and change their books when needed. We also ask parents to read with their child each night. We are also using Reading Plus, your children have their own login; there are great challenges for the children to complete.




We have a commitment to Basic Skills in Year 6, everyday we plan for a range of activities to develop Numeracy and Literacy skills, aside from general Literacy and Numeracy lessons. This includes spelling strategies, guided reading, handwriting, mental maths tests, times tables, basic maths skills, speed writing, paired reading and grammar and punctuation activities.

Endangered Animals

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We have been creating documentaries in the style of David Attenborough. We have been learning about endangered animals and we have produced some fantastic writing to match. We have even adopted some of our own animals: an elephant, a panda and a lion.

The animals which we have adopted.

Endangered Animals

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Murder Mystery Maths - using line graphs to analyse data.

Science investigation - Circuits

We had some students in to teach us science. We were learning about adaption and evolution.

The Newcastle Eagles came to teach us about exercise, water and basketball.

In maths we have been looking at common denominators and adding fractions.

Maths Making Nets

Inspirational Poems

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Year 6 have written and performed inspirational poems.

Inspirational poems

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Inspirational Poems

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Inspirational Poems

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Year 6 have been canoeing at Marine Park.

We have been using our reasoning skills to solve problems in maths. Listen to Sadia and Amy explain how to answer some SATs questions.

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Amy Maths Reasoning.mp4

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In Maths we have been looking at measuring weights using Kg and g.

In Literacy we were learning about Shakespeare and we pretended we were news reporters. We reported on the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet.

We have had a fabulous trip to Nissan to see what they do and how they build cars. Thanks Monozukuri Caravan.

P.E. - In P.E. we have been doing multi-skills as well as solving maths problems. We really enjoy Maths of The Day.

Reading Corner - This term our class text is 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom' by Louis Sachar. We absolutely love it.

Basic Skills
