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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Nursery Miss Hill

Welcome to Hadrian Nursery!


Hello, my name is Miss Hill, and I am the Nursery Teacher here at Hadrian Primary School. I am really looking forward to learning with all the children in the year ahead. It is going to be an exciting learning adventure!


Here you can find out more about our Nursery, see what our lovely children have been up to and keep up to date with important information.


At Hadrian Primary School we are very lucky to have our own purpose built Nursery on our school site. Children have access to our wonderfully resourced Nursery and fabulous large outdoor area! Nursery is the very first step in your child’s learning journey and we are committed to providing a safe, happy and stimulating first experience of school life.


Our Nursery Staff:

Miss B Hill is the Nursery Teacher 

Mrs D Greener is the Early Years Teaching Assistant, she works with us in the mornings

Miss S Bonar is the Early Years Teaching Assistant, she works with us in the afternoons

Mr D Bingham works with us on a Thursday afternoon.

Miss E Nicholson is the Early Years Teaching Assistant

Miss N McGillivray is the SEND Teaching Assistant

Miss P Gofton is the SEND Teaching Assistant 


Our session times:


Morning sessions (AM): 8:45am - 11:45am (Doors open 8:45am-9:00am)

Afternoon sessions (PM): 12:30pm-3:30pm (Doors open 12:30pm-12:45pm) 


Doors will be opened for a 15 minute period for children to arrive into Nursery. Please be aware that when doors are closed, the session promptly begins. We understand that sometimes things don't go to plan and you could be late. We request that if that is the case, then to please go to the main entrance on Baring Street to gain access to Nursery. This is for the safeguarding of the children, and avoids disruptions to the session. At the end the afternoon session, doors will open at 3:15pm to help parents with multiple collections from school. 


If you would like to have a chat about your child, then please let me know. I can then arrange a quiet time and place for us to have a chat. 

Dates to remember:


Autumn 1:

Monday 4th September: Inservice Day - Nursery closed

Tuesday 5th September: 30 hours children begin their sessions.

Monday 11th September: AM and PM children begin their sessions.
Friday 27th October: Halloween Spooky Day in Nursery.

Friday 27th October: School breaks up for half term.


Autumn 2:

Monday 6th November: Children come back to school

Monday 13th - Friday 17th November: National Nursery Rhyme Week

Friday 17th November: Children in Need

Nursery Nativity: Wednesday 13th December. 10am for morning children, 2pm for afternoon children. Parents of 30 hours children can choose which one to attend. 

Nursery Christmas Party: Tuesday 19th December

Friday 22nd December: School breaks up for Christmas holidays.


Spring 1: 

Monday 8th January: School opens for Spring Term

Monday 5th February: Parents Evening 

Thursday 15th February: School breaks up for half term. 

Friday 16th February: Inservice Day - Nursery closed 


Spring 2:

Monday 26th February:  Children come back to school

Monday 25th March: Easter Egg Competition

Thursday 28th March: School breaks up for the Easter holidays.


Summer 1:

Monday 15th April: School opens for Summer term

Tuesday 16th April: Primary School Offer Day

Friday 26th April: Foodie Friday - Wear non-uniform for a food donation for our school food bank

Thursday 2nd May: Nursery Closed - Elections

Friday 3rd May: Non-uniform for book sale

Monday 6th May: Nursery Closed - Bank Holiday 

Thursday 23rd May: Nursery closes for the half term holiday

Friday 24th May: Inservice Day - Nursery Closed


Summer 2: 

Monday 3rd June: School opens for Summer term 2



What to bring and preparation for learning in Nursery:


Please click on the link below to find out more information about what to bring and how you can help your child in their Nursery year.

How we learn in Nursery


The Nursery curriculum is based around the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' (EYFS) which covers 7 different areas of learning. These are:


Communication and Language 

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Learning is play - which means that on the whole, children choose the activity that they would like to do and their learning is supported and extended by adults in the classroom, as part of their play. Learning also takes place in small groups, or whole class sessions which we plan based around the children’s interests and topics relevant to them such as seasonal change. 

Our children engage in regular Phase 1 Phonics sessions, and Maths sessions to help build their knowledge. These are done in smaller groups.


There is a link to our long term curriculum map in the Parent/Carers information section at the bottom of this page. 

Snack Times:


Children have snack time during their sessions, where they will have a piece of fruit or vegetable, and a carton of milk. There is no charge for this.


We have a Nursery fund, which we use to plan themed days, cooking activities and other experiences for the children. This is 50p a week. 



Seesaw is our online learning platform which we use in EYFS. We encourage you to join so we can celebrate your child's learning journey through Nursery. 

Your child or a familiar adult will upload content to their own secure space, which can then be viewed at school and by your family at home.  Each child will bring home a unique code to enable you to access their online space.  Seesaw also enables you to comment and contribute to your child's online learning journey, something we really value! It really is a lovely way for you to see what we are learning about in Nursery and to stay connected to any messages or key information. There are two Seesaw apps that we use. Seesaw family, which enables you to view work and connect with myself and the Seesaw class app, which is used by your child for learning from home.  

 If you have any queries or comments, please speak to me. 

What we have been up to in Nursery

Parent and Carer Information
