Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Welcome to Class 3. We are a Reception class and our teacher is Miss Kippax. We work alongside Class 2, Mrs Donnelly's class. The classes work along similar lines to the nursery with the classrooms as learning bases and the other areas we share with Class 2. The children work and learn together. Our learning is a mix of adult led and child initiated. Our learning takes place both indoors and outdoors. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear to learn outdoors.
Please ensure your child's name is in all clothing especially coat, hats, jumpers and P.E shoes.
Reading books should be in school everyday and ideally your child should have a bag to carry it in.
This term we are learning about autumn and new beginnings, harvest, seasonal changes in the environment and Christmas and the celebrations that ensue. We will also be following the children's interests.
We will be focussing on the children's speaking and listening skills. We will develop their rhyming, letter recognition and the hearing of initial and end sounds. The children will build on their writing confidence especially writing their names.
We will work with the children on accurate counting and recognition of numbers upto 10. They will work on practical calculations including1 more and 1 less. They will also develop correct number formation. They will develop awaress of 2D shapes and their properties. Also they will learn to use positional language.
Our Week
Monday - is library day, at 3pm parents are invited to come and select a school library book with your child, otherwise the children will change their books on a Wednesday. Books will need to be returned before your child can select another.
Friday- P.E. Please ensure your child has P.E kit in school. Any earrings should be removed or covered with plasters.
Find out what we are up to in Reception by looking at our Curriculum Map!
Poppy making for Remembrance Day