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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together


Ruby Bridges

Class 6 have been learning about Ruby Bridges. They learned that Ruby Bridges was the first African-American child to attend the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis in 1960. They found out that at 6 years old she had to be escorted to school by federal marshals and that only one teacher would accept her in her classroom. We discussed how Ruby might have felt during this time and how we can make sure that everyone is welcome in our school. The children drew posters to encourage all children to be friends.

Be a bucket filler!

We read the story 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?'. We discussed how we can make people feel with our words and actions. The children decided that they all wanted to try to be bucket fillers!
We read the story 'ish' by Peter H. Reynolds. We discussed the story and how the main character had a particular talent for drawing. The children discussed their talents both at school and outside of school. They made a shield for a friend to represent their talents.