Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Summer term - dates for your diary.
School will be closed on Monday May 3rd for Bank Holiday.
Half term - School will finish on Thursday 27th May and reopen on Monday 7th June
Miss Pippin / Miss Goodall
Maths Homework is set every Thursday, on MyMaths, and is due the following Tuesday morning. If you do not have access to an iPad, laptop or device for your homework, please speak to Miss Goodall or Miss Pippin before Tuesday and they can help you.
English Homework is set on a Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. You will have homework books, but most of your work will be set online on our Google Classroom. Please make sure that it is handed in on time. You will be given spellings to learn each week, as well as some SPaG and sometimes a writing task.
Reading is a very important skill and Year 3 is no different to any other year. You will be expected to have a reading book in school every day. This book should go home and someone at home should try and read with you at least once per week. Your reading book should be returned to the classroom each morning and taken home again each evening. You will also be expected to access Reading Plus at home and you will have a target to meet each week.