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Thurston meeting for Y5 & Y6 children and parents Thursday 19th September 4.00pm in the school hall
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y2 Miss Christie

COVID-19 Home Learning Update

Year 2 Home Learning

BBC Bitesize lessons -

Prodigy Maths game -

Literacy Planet -


Welcome to Class 4 - Year 2 

Below you will find information all about life in Class 4. This is a very important year for the children as it is their final one in the infants. They will be supported on their journey throughout the year and we aim to keep you posted on all the events and learning that is taking place.

Please keep an eye on the page for class information updates and to see the fun that we are having together.


Dates for your diary!



Monday 6th January - start of Spring term 1

Monday 13th January - year 2 booster begins (every Monday and Tuesday afternoon)

Monday 3rd February - parents evening

Friday 7th February - Number Day

Friday 14th February - in-service day and end of Spring 1


Monday 24th February - start of Spring term 2

Wednesday 1st April - make Easter Eggs

Thursday 2nd April - Display Easer Eggs for school viewing

Friday 3rd April - Class 4 assembly and last day of Spring term




Our spring term topics are;


Science: Living in Habitats and The Environment 

Computing: E Safety and Word Processing Skills

Geography: Magical Mapping

History: Nurturing Nurses

Art: Fabricate

Music: Kapow - Animals

PSHE: Kidsafe

RE:  How is the Qur'an treated as sacred? and Why did Jesus tell stories?

D&T: Fruit and Vegetables (a healthy diet) and Perfect Pizzas

PE: Gymnastics: Landscapes and cityscapes


It is extremely important that children complete the homework task that has been set each week. The task has been selected to support the learning that is taking place within the classroom. 


Class 4 homework will be set every Thursday and should be complete and handed back in on the following Tuesday.


Children will receive a piece of English homework each week - this will normally be in their homework books but could occasionally be online e.g. Education City. 

Children will also receive online maths homework at least every 2 weeks - this will normally be on MyMaths but can sometimes be given for other websites such as Education City or Hit the Button.


It is expected that children should be reading their reading books at home each night and bringing them in to school each day. They also have their own log in details for 'Oxford Owl Reading Buddies' that allows them to have access to 100s of books at their level that is supported by a 'reading buddy' to help and support them along the way.




This term we are aiming to develop our skills in Gymnastics by focusing on landscapes and cityscapes as our inspiration.

Our PE sessions are on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit on this day and that earrings are removed or covered.
