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Thurston meeting for Y5 & Y6 children and parents Thursday 19th September 4.00pm in the school hall
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y2 - Miss Begum

Welcome to Class 5 - Year 2 

Unfortunately, Miss Christie has left our school. My name is Miss McCarthy and I will be the new Year Two teacher. I'm very excited to be teaching Class 5 for the rest of the school year, and look forward to meeting both the children and parents.


Below you will find information all about life in Class 5. This is a very important year for the children as it is their final one in the infants. It is also important as it will hopefully be the year that we can finally all be in school together for the whole year! They will be fully supported on their journey throughout the year and I aim to keep you posted on all the events and learning that is taking place.

Please keep an eye on the page for class information updates and to see the fun that we are having together.





Summer 1

Monday 25th April - School re-opens

Thursday 26th May – School closes for June half term

Summer 2

Tuesday 7th June – School returns for Summer 2

Friday 22nd July – School closes for Summer Holidays



Our Summer term topics are:


Science: Living things in their Habitat

Computing: Programming

Geography: On the Farm

History: Seaside

Art: Life sketches

Music: Singing

PSHE: Living in the Wider World

RE: Why is the Bible special to Christians?

D&T: Textiles: Pouches

PE: Sports Development & SSFC




It is extremely important that children complete the homework task that has been set each week. The task has been selected to support the learning that is taking place within the classroom. 


Class 5 homework will be set every Thursday and should be complete by the following Thursday.


Children will receive Spellings and Maths homework each week.

Spellings homework will mainly be set on Google Classroom so it is extremely important that your child logs in each week to check their tasks. 

Maths homework will mainly be set on MyMaths or Sumdog. Your child has a personal log in for each. 

All log ins that your child has were sent home in the first week - please ensure these are kept safe as they will be used throughout the year. 


It is expected that children should be reading their reading book each week and return them to school on a Monday. This ensures that children's books can be changed each week allowing a period of quarantine. They also have their own log in details for 'Bug Club' and 'Oxford Owl Reading Buddies' that allows them to have access to 100s of books at their level that is supported by a 'reading buddy' to help and support them along the way.


This half term we have two PE slots. Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Thursday morning.  Please ensure your child has their full PE kit on these days, any pupils with long hair to have it tied up and that earrings are removed or covered.


