Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Home school learning resources
I just wanted to update all parents with a range of excellent resources that you could be doing with your children at home during this difficult time. The following resources are great for your children to use at home:
Maths – White Rose -
White Rose -
English – Reading plus and Letterjoin (login details in homework book)
Pobble 365 - - a great writing resource, with supporting PowerPoint activities.
English & Maths -
Twinkl (range of subjects) -
Computing -
Art -
PE – Joe Wicks live on youtube 9am Monday-Friday and Just Dance
Educational websites/online resources - - a database full of educational websites, many free to sign up for your children to access a variety of different activities.
Also, remember MyMaths x3 (updated weekly), Times Table Rockstars and Prodigy (all login details in homework books).
A lot of the resources above can be printed off into bookets/packs, however, if you can’t access a printer at home, then download the packs and the children can always attempt them on paper.
Thanks and keep safe,
Mr Webster.
Welcome to Class 7!
Dates for you diary 2019/2020:
(Subject to change)
Wednesday 1st April - Make Easter eggs
Thursday 2nd April - Display Easter eggs
Thursday 23rd April - Spring attendance assemblies
Thursday 30th April - Elections (Nursery closed)
Monday 4th May - KS1 SATS begin (TBC)
Friday 8th May - Mayday Bank holiday
Monday 11th May - KS2 SATS (TBC)
Friday 22nd May - INSERVICE DAY
Wednesday 17th June - Sports Day
Wednesday 24th June - Provisional Sports day
Friday 3rd July - Full day rehearsal @ Customs house
Monday 6th July - Full day rehearsal @ Customs house
Tuesday 7th July - Summer Spectacular
Basic Skills is a big part of our curriculum and the children continue to improve their numeracy and literacy skills every morning and afternoon.
Basic skills rainbow maths
Basic skills wall English
We have PE on Tuesdays. Please ensure children have their kit in school at the start of every half term and then at the end of term, they need to take it home to be washed and returned on the first day of a new term.
Homework is given out every Thursday. Homework books must be returned no later than the following Tuesday.
Homework consists of Spellings (tested every Tuesday morning), times tables (tested every Tuesday afternoon) and My Maths. If children have no access to the internet at home or cannot complete homework at home, they are welcome to go to homework club on Mondays and Thursdays after school and during Thursday lunchtimes.
Children will also given usernames and passwords for My Maths, Prodigy and Times Tables Rockstars. They will also be able to access their weekly spellings online via 'Spelling frame,' which contains spelling games, spelling lists and online tests to support their learning.
Children are asked to bring reading books into school every day. Children who bring in reading books everyday will have more opportunities to read in school and change their books. If reading books are brought back each day and there is a signature/parent comment left in reading records, then children tick the reader of the week chart in class and have the opportunity to win house points and prizes.