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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

EYFS Nursery - Miss Hill

Welcome to Hadrian Nursery!


Here you can find out more about our Nursery, see what our lovely children have been up to and keep up to date with important information.


At Hadrian Primary School we are very lucky to have our own purpose built Nursery on our school site. Children have access to our wonderfully resourced Nursery and fabulous large outdoor area! We currently run 2 Nursery sessions both in the morning and afternoon with 26 places in each for children aged 3-4. Nursery is the very first step in your child’s learning journey and we are committed to providing a safe, happy and stimulating first experience of school life.

Our Nursery Day

Our Nursery session times are as follows:

Morning session : 8.30am – 8.45am   Finish 11.15am -11.30am

Afternoon Session: 12.30pm-12.45pm – Finish 3.15pm – 3.30pm

We have a flexible drop off/pick up period of 15 minutes to allow parents time for multiple drop offs/ pick ups in main school.

Our Nursery Staff

Miss M Gibson – Nursery Teacher and Early Years Lead

Mrs J Whitehead- Nursery Nurse

Mrs S Patterson- Nursery Nurse


Term Dates

Summer 1

Term begins Monday 25th April.

Bank Holiday- Monday 2nd May.

NURSERY CLOSED- THURSDAY  5th May due to local elections.

Close for half term - Thursday 26th May.



What do you need to bring?

 Nursery Library

Children will receive their very own book bag and will get a library book each Friday if they have returned their previous one. Reading for pleasure is very important to support early literacy skills. Included in your book bag are some ideas of how to support reading for pleasure at home.

How we learn in Nursery

The Nursery curriculum is based around the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' (EYFS) which covers 7 different areas of learning. These are:

  • Communication and Language 
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Learning is play - based which means that on the whole, children choose the activity that they would like to do and their learning is supported and extended by adults in the classroom, as part of their play. Learning also takes place in small groups, or whole class sessions which we plan based around the children’s interests and topics relevant to them such as seasonal change.

Getting Ready for Nursery



We use the 'Tapestry' app to record observations of the children in Early Years. We add photographs, videos and comments about your child and what they have been learning at school. This is a lovely way for us to communicate with you as parents and you can also add photographs and comments about your child from home! 


You will be sent an activation code via email to gain access to your child's account. 

Please come and see me if you are having any issues with this. 

Settling into Hadrian Nursery!


We are having lots of fun settling into Nursery! We have been exploring our new classroom environment and garden as well as meeting new friends. We have created our very own self portraits and thought about how we all look very different and how we are all unique and special. 

Exploring our Senses


We have spent lots of time settling into Nursery and learning all about our different senses. We have took part in different activities using our sense of smell,touch.sight,taste and listening. We’ve enjoyed a listening walk with our big ears to see what we could hear in and around our school. We completed a taste test of different foods and used words to describe. Some of us though the lemon was “sour” and described the crisps and “ yummy” and “crunchy”. We used our bare feet to do a sensory walk where we had to walk through the “crunchy” cereal, the “spiky” grass and the “ cold squashy” jelly! We also had some smelly socks which we had to decide if they were smells that we liked or smells that we didn’t like! Take a look at some of our photos!

All about Autumn

We noticed the trees in our Nursery garden were changing and lots of leaves were falling to the ground. We talked about why this was happening. We learnt that it was because it was Autumn and in Autumn the leaves change colour and fall off the trees. We read the story we are going on a leaf hunt and decided to see what we could find on our own leaf hunt. We found leaves of different shapes and sizes and lots of different colours! 

Halloween Fun Day

We had lots of fun on our Halloween fun day at Nursery! We had a little monster disco, played a Halloween themed listening game where we had to identify to different noises and decorated our own Halloween biscuits. We explored slime, made our own pumpkins collages, poured Halloween rice and made our own potions! Everyone’s costumes were fabulous and a great time had by all! 

Week ending 5th November

This week in Nursery we have focussed on the story Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. Our week started when we went out into the garden to find a broomstick had crashed in the yard along with a witch's hat. We thought the witch must be somewhere in our garden! We searched high and low and decided to make some 'Wanted' posters to help find her. We heard a wicked cackle and spotted the witch in our garden! Or we thought we did but it turned out to be Mrs Whitehead! We have made our own spells and potions this week too. We had to count out the correct amount of ingredients by following a special recipe! We may have turned some of our teachers into frogs fro a short time! We also used lots of magical coloured water to learn the mathematical vocabulary 'full', 'half full' and 'empty'. We ended to week by talking abut firework safety in light of bonfire night. We used our gross motor skills to make some large scale fireworks using powder paint outdoors! It was great fun!


Home Learning Task: can you spot any fireworks over the weekend? Can you listen to the sounds they make and name the colours that you see? Can you remember one way to keep safe around fireworks? We would love to see your photos uploaded to Tapestry! Have a lovely weekend!

Week ending 12th November


This week in Nursery we have been learning about the celebration of light called Diwali. We learnt all about how Hindus prepare for and celebrate Diwali and compared this to some of our celebrations such as Christmas and Eid. We noticed some similarities  in traditions and many differences. We made our very own special Diva lamps, tasted some Indian foods and made our own rangoli patterns.


At the end of the week, we learned the significance of the poppy. We watched 'Poppies' on Cbeebies and used apples to print our own poppies. We also searched our Nursery classroom to find objects which were red, black and green to make our own large scale piece of transient art. 


I wonder if your child can tell you anything about the celebration of Diwali? If they can upload a video or quote from your child to their Tapestry account!

Week Ending Friday 19th of November

This week in Nursery, we have been taking part in World Nursery Rhyme Week. Each day we have focussed on a new rhyme and completed activities linked with this rhyme. We have explored the following:

Monday- Down in the Jungle where nobody goes

Tuesday- Incy Wincy Spider

Wednesday- Wind the bobbin

Thursday- Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

Friday- Sleeping bunnies
 Take a look at what we got up to! I wonder if your child can sing any of the songs to you at home?! All of the children received a certificate for taking part! Nursery rhymes are very important to support literacy development. They help children discover rhythm and rhyme, develop vocabulary, practise listening skills and support memory and articulation as well as many other benefits. If you would like to find out more about World Nursery Rhyme week please see the following website: 


 Children in Need 2021

 We have had lots of fun for Children in Need day. We came to Nursery in our pyjamas and took part in lots of fun activities. We created playdough Pudsey bears, decorated Pudsey’s spotty patch by finger painting, used the tweezers and pom poms to decorate the patch and decorated our cakes to make them spotty! We have had a wonderful day and raised money for a great cause! Take a look at our photos! 

Week Ending 26th November

 This week in Nursery we have been exploring the story Stickman by Julia Donaldson. We have had lots of fun making our very own stick people, joining in with retelling the story and finding lots of new uses for sticks! Like in the story, we explored using stickman as a pen to make marks and as a mast for our own sandcastles. Some of the children even thought they found the family tree in our Nursery garden!  The appearance of Santa in the story has got us ready to begin some festive activities next week! I wonder if your child can tell you their favourite part of the story or could draw a picture of stickman? 

Week Ending 3rd December 

We have been getting into the Christmas spirit here in Nursery this week! At the beginning of the week, our beautiful Christmas tree arrived. We talked about what we knew already about Christmas time and we found out why Christmas is a special time for Christians. We joined in with the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree! It looked beautiful! We then had an arrival of a cheeky elf named Buddy! He explained that each day he might bring us a challenge to complete in Nursery or he may be a little cheeky!  On Friday we discovered he had frozen some of our toys! We then had to work out how to melt the ice and what was the quickest way to do so. The children came up with ideas such as “smashing the ice with our toy hammer”, “cutting the ice with scissors or knife”, “putting it in the sun”, “ hot water” and we decided to try some salt like we see Mrs Mulley using in the yard. We found out that smashing the ice worked well but the hot water melted the ice the quickest. We managed to save our beloved toys and wrote to Santa to let him know Buddy has been a little naughty! 

Week Ending 10th December 

This week the festive fun has continues here in Nursery. We have been working extremely hard to perform some  songs ready for our little video for all of our parents to see. We have also written to Santa to explain what we would like for Christmas and posted them in our magic postbox for Buddy to take back to the Norh Pole. Speaking of Buddy! He was a little naughty again and wrapped our tree in toilet paper! We have also been exploring the language of ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ by weighing different presents in Santa’s workshop. We found out that when using the balance scales, the heaviest item makes the balance scale go down. Lots of us thought that the bigger the item the heaviest it would be but we found out that is not always the case! Sometimes the smaller items are actually the heaviest! 

Christmas in Nursery


We had such a busy festive term here in Nursery. We had Buddy the elf visit from the North Pole and set us daily challenges as well as playing a few tricks on us. We made a range of Christmas crafts, learnt about the Christmas story for Christians and performed some festive songs. We also completed some ice investigations, enjoyed our Christmas party with a visit from Santa and our Polar Express themed day. Take a look at our photos! 



Nursery Spa Day
To celebrate all of our hard work this term and to link with children’s mental health week, Nursery have enjoyed a spa day today! We enjoyed taking part in yoga, peer massage, a foot spa and enjoyed some hot chocolate and stories outside in the fresh air! What a relaxing day!

Pancake Day

We have been reading the story, Mr Wolf’s pancakes by Jan Fearnley in Nursery! It’s an unexpected read so urge you to go and read it! We loved drawing pictures of our favourite parts of the story and we were inspired to make our very own pancakes from scratch! We used the story to help us remember the three ingredients we needed which were flour, eggs and milk. We used our big muscles to mix them altogether and Miss Gibson cooked them in the pan! She even did a big flip but luckily caught it! We then got to choose our own topping out of chocolate spread, jam ,syrup , strawberries and bananas. We had to use the knife to spread our own toppings and cut our own fruit very carefully! We then got to eat them! They were delicious! 

World Book Day 2022

We had a wonderful time coming to Nursery dressed as our favourite book character,  in celebration of World Book Day. We looked at the story the Tiger who came to tea by Judith Kerr. We enjoyed listening to the story and then explored a range of activities linked with the book. 

- Painted our own tiger stripe patterns.

-Retold the story in our story telling tray.

- Explored water play with fruity tea bags and teapots 

-Used the tweezers to feed the tiger Pom poms

- Wrote our own tea party invites 

-Rolled he dice and added the correct amount of stripes to the tiger.

We then all decorated our very own biscuit for our Tiger tea party! We had so much fun pouring our own juice from the tea pot and eating out yummy biscuits and some cakes. Thankfully we got to eat them before the tiger did! 

Exploring the Rain in Nursery

We had so much fun playing in and exploring the rain! We had to use our own self help skills to put on our wet suits and welly boots which were a little tricky! It’s a good job we have such kind friends as we showed fantastic team work helping each other out! We loved jumping up and down in the puddles and seeing how big we could get our splashes! We then explored mark making and colour mixing using some powder paint. We mixed out powder paint with the puddles and created rainbow puddles all around our garden! Some of us discovered that if we mixed the blue and red powder paint we made purple and some of us found red and yellow together makes orange! 

Tooth Brushing in Nursery

After we enjoyed our pancakes, we got onto the topic of foods that are healthy and food that are a treat. We decided to sort some of the toppings Mr Wolf had on his pancakes to see which foods were good for us and which we should only have occasionally. Maryam told us that unhealthy foods can “ give you cavities which are like little holes from the sugar!”. Alannah told us she’d been to the dentist who looks after your teeth “you have to brush for 2 minutes” she said! We then further explored tooth brushing with the help of our animals. We squeezed a pea sized amount of tooth paste on the brush and helped the animals brush their teeth. We put on a two minute timer song to help us know when we had done it for 2 minutes! It felt longer that we first thought! We know to brush our teeth each morning and night to have healthy teeth! 

🔴Red Nose Day 2022 🔴


We had lots of fun taking part in different activities for Red Nose Day in Nursery! We dressed in red clothing, sorted different red objects, designed our own red noses, had a little red nose disco, had red themed water and maths challenges and decorated red nose themed biscuits! It was great fun. We also bought some cakes in our whole school cake sale so raise money for this great cause.

Our Obstacle Course

Linked with our interests of the farm we read the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’ by Pat Hutchins. We explored new positional words such as over, under, through and around. We decided a great way to help us remember this would be to do these actions in our very own obstacle course. We were all very excited to go over to the big school hall to use some different equipment. We had to move in different ways across beams, through tunnels, over hurdles, under benches and jumping off and then down to the mats. We were all very keen to have a go and have asked to go back to big school hall again soon! Fabulous work everyone! 

Our Mother’s Day Event

We were  thrilled to invite our mummies into Nursery for a little treat to thank them for all of their hard work and love. We hope you all enjoyed the little song we performed, the tea, cakes, flowers and cards! You all do a wonderful job! 

Down on the Farm 

This half term we have been interested in the farm. We have been learning all about the animals that live there including their mother and baby names, chick life cycles and how we care for them. We’ve also looked at how we get eggs and milk from animals at the farm. We created our very own Farm shop role play. We’ve enjoyed washing the pigs, milking the cow and shearing the sheep as well as collecting the eggs from the chickens and buying a range of items from the farm shop! Take a look at our photos! 

Humpty Dumpty Eggsperiment 

We took part in our very own eggs-periment here in Nursery! We decided to test out different surfaces for our Humpty Dumpty egg and see what’s happens when he falls off the wall. Firstly, we thought about how Humpty might be feeling at the top of a very high wall. Some of us thought he would be feeling ‘sad’, ‘worried’ or ‘frightened’. We used a felt tip to draw his face (on real eggs). We firstly tested a cushion as the surface to see what happened. The children all made their own predictions as to what might happen. Some thought the egg might crack, others said the cushion was ‘soft’ and ‘ comfy’ so the egg would not break. One of our children were concerned that the egg might hit the cushion but then roll off the cushion. We tested out our hypothesis and found that Humpty was safe on the soft cushion and did not break. We then tested the hard tuff tray. We again predicted what may happen. Most of us thought he was going to crack. We loved pushing him off the wall and seeing him crack open! We thought it was funny! 
Poor Humpty but fabulous predictions  everyone! 


We finished off our lovely half term with a chocolate hunt in our garden! We had to look high and low and work as a team to find our chocolate surprise! They were delicious! Well done everyone and have a wonderful Easter! 
