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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y5/6 Mrs Nixon


Dates for the Diary

           Thursday 30th January         Operation Encompass

     Monday 3rd February            Parents Evening

                        Tuesday 4th February           Monozukuri Caravan @ Nissan

          Thursday 6th February          Attendance Assembly

           Thursday 13th February         Break up for half term

Friday 14th February              INSET Day





Homework is very important as is a great way for the children to show independence and responsibility. MyMaths Homework is always set on a Monday and is due in on a Thursday. Spelling homework will be set on a Thursday and is due in on Monday. 


If your child is struggling with their homework, they are welcome to come and see Mrs Nixon BEFORE their homework is due in. This means that we can go over the homework together in enough time or complete homework in school. 



PE lessons are subject to change, so please ensure that children have their P.E kit every day. We will be going on many trips to take part in tournaments, so it is vital that children have their kits in for training. PE this term will be a Tuesday morning and we are swimming. 





Reading Books


We encourage children to bring in their reading books everyday, this enables children to take part in paired reading activities and change their books when needed. We also ask parents to read with their child each night. We are also using Reading Plus, your children have their own login; there are great challenges for the children to complete.



Basic Skills


We have a commitment to Basic Skills; everyday we plan for a range of activities to develop Maths and English skills, aside from general English and Maths lessons. This includes spelling strategies, guided reading, handwriting, mental maths tests, times tables, basic maths skills, paired reading and grammar and punctuation activities.



What have we been doing in Mrs Nixon's Class? Click on each subject icon to find out!
