Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Welcome to Class 2 we are a Reception class with Mrs Donnelly as our teacher. We work closely with Miss Barr and Class 3.
Our day
We start the day with Phonics. Planning time follows where we choose our own areas of learning and the teachers make observations. This learning takes place both indoors and outdoors. After runaround time we do focussed Literacy and Maths activities.
In the afternoons, we start with Active Maths and then cover topic work. We also do 30 minutes of Basic Skills which this term is focussing on writing. Guided Reading also takes place in an afternoon.
This term our topics are It's Cold Outside and Growing up. We are looking at The Arctic and changes to our environment in Winter. After half term we will be looking at human, animal and plant growth as we go into Spring. We also follow the children's interests.
Our week
Tuesday 3pm parents are able to join us for library
Wednesday class library
Tuesday PE day. Please make sure your child removes any earrings or covers them with plasters.
At the end of each week we will have homework. This needs to be returned the following week.
When we get a reading book these need to be returned daily and you are encouraged to write comments in the Reading Record.
We do outdoor activities most days so please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear.