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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
Home Page

Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Class 3 Miss Shelley


Hello and welcome to our class page! I am Miss Shelley, a Reception Teacher at Hadrian Primary School. Both myself and Mrs Baxter (Teaching Assistant) will always be happy to support you with any questions or information. We will be available on a morning or at home time. We will ask that all the children are inside before we have a conversation, for the safety of our children. We will do everything we can to ensure that we have a fun and memorable year with the children!


Our topic for Autumn 1 is 'All About me' and for Autumn 2 we will look into "Tales from Faraway Fantasies'. In the first part of the Autumn term we will look at stories including Owl Babies (Martin Waddell), Incredible YOU! (by Rhys Brisenden) and The Colour Monster Goes to School (by Anna Llenas). All our books can be found in the School Library, should you wish to share them at home. 


Our Topic for Spring 1 is Animals. We will be looking at Pets, Farm Animals, Minibeasts and Jungle Animals.


If you have any books relating to our topics at home, why not bring it in for our daily story time? The more books the better!  We also welcome parent readers to come and share their love of stories by sharing a story with the children.

Please take time to look at this page regularly for class information updates and to see the fun that we are having together.




Dates for your Diary! 



6th-9th September - Settling in week (8.55am-11.45am)

12th September - Children begin full time days (8.55am-3.15pm) 

19th September - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

19th-25th September - Recycling Week

21st September - National Fitness Day 

30th September - McMillian Coffee Morning 





 Spooky Welly Walk and Spooktacular Fun Afternoon - Date to be confirmed! 


21st October - Finish for Half Term

31st October - Back to School



4th November - Bonfire Night Activities

11th November - Remembrance Day  - Poppy activities with Nursery.

11th November - Foody Friday (Bring a tin for charity)

14th November - Odd Socks Day (as part of Anti-Bullying week)

18th November - Children in Need Fundraising



8th December - Christmas Fayre

9th December - Dress Rehearsal for Infant Nativity 

16th December - Infant Nativity

20th December - Infant Christmas Party


23rd December- Break up for Christmas



9th January - return to school after Christmas break.



6th February - Parents Evening (3.30-6pm)


PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday during Spring 1.   Your child will need a full PE kit from January 2023. This includes a white t-shirt, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, white socks and black pumps (velcro). 

Long Term Plan / Curriculum Map
