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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y2 - Mrs Fox

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Class 4. We are a Year 1 class that will be working very hard throughout the year. Every morning we start with a phonics lesson. This will help prepare us for the Phonic Screening that all Year 1 children will complete in June. To support us with the transition from Early Years to Key Stage 1, our mornings consist of English and Maths as well as access to continuous provision, which links to Year 1 National Curriculum outcomes. Our English lessons will include SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Foundation topics are covered in afternoons; Continuous Provision will also be accessible during the afternoon.

Dates for your diary


Spring 1

Tuesday 4th January – Start of Spring 1 

Wednesday 5th January - Relax Kids starts for 6 weeks

Thursday 6th January - SSFC Polly Phonics starts

Friday 18th February - School closes for Half Term


Spring 2

Monday 28th February - Start of Spring Term 2

Thursday 3rd March - World Book Day

Friday 8th April - School closes for Easter Break



Remember to bring in your PE kit at the beginning of each week. All earrings need to be covered or taken out for PE lessons.



Our Spring Term topics are;

Science: Everyday Materials, Seasonal Changes Winter/Spring

Computing: E Safety My Online Life and Creating Media Digital Painting

Geography: Where do I live?

History: Famous People

Art: Drawing

Music: Timbre

PSHE: Living in the Wider World

RE: Judaism

D&T: Structures - Constructing a Windmill

PE: Invasion Games


Homework is given out on Thursdays. It must be returned no later than the following Tuesday. Google Classroom will be used regularly, so please help your children access their emails and Classroom at home.

Reading Books

Children are asked to bring reading books into school every day. Children who bring in reading books everyday will have more opportunities to read in school and change their books.

Children will also have access to online reading resources on Oxford Reading Buddies and Bug Club. Log in details will be emailed to all children and also sent out in children's homework books. 

Take a look at what we have been doing in Year 1 so far...



Year 1 Curriculum Map 2021-22
