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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

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Gardening club

Gardening Club 2019 - 2020

During the Summer holidays the plants had a growth spurt! The apple and pear trees have produced some fabulous fruit. The blackberry brambles are full of delicious blackberries. The kale, cabbages and broccoli that the children planted in the Summer have started to grow and we have some pumpkins which will hopefully be ready for Halloween. 

Cupcakes with blackberry frosting.

This week some of the children made some delicious cupcakes with blackberry frosting. We used the blackberries growing on the brambles in the garden to make a beautiful purple frosting. All of the children enjoyed tasting the cakes.

Feeding the birds.

Weeding and planting

The children worked hard to clear some of the raised beds of the copious weeds. We cleared one bed completely so the children could plant some onions which will, hopefully, be harvested next year.


Week 2 - Rosemary and onion potatoes.

This week the group of children who were cooking made rosemary and onion potatoes. They used the rosemary that we have growing in the garden to made a delicious dish that the majority of the class enjoyed (some found the rosemary a little too strong). Some of the staff tried it and they said it was delicious too! Well done Miss Anderson and Class 6.

Bird feeders.

Weeding. planting and watering.

After working hard to clear another bed of weeds some children planted some garlic sets. We covered them with nets to protect the tender shoots from birds and butterflies. Hopefully these will be ready to harvest next summer. 

Due to the lovely weather we made sure we gave all the plants a good drink.

Week 3 - Lavender biscuits.

Lavender biscuits were on the menu today. Some children harvested some fresh lavender and used the flower buds to make the most wonderful shortbread biscuits. Nearly all of the class enjoyed the biscuits with lots asking for seconds!

Autumn nature hunt.

As it was so wet this week we decided to go on an Autumn nature hunt. The children worked in pairs to find a variety of items around the garden area. They were extremely surprised to find so many different types of fungi. They were all aware that they should not touch the fungi in case it was poisonous. We also found some ants, spiders, seed pods and ferns.

Week 4 - Pear Crumble.

Weeding and planting.

The children cleared another bed of all the pesky weeds so they could sow some salad leaves. Hopefully they will grow before the frosty weather arrives.

Pond restoration.

Our pond is quite overrun so this week we made a start clearing away the overgrown grass and weeds.

Week 5 - Apple Oat Bars

We used the apples from the apple trees in the garden to make some delicious apple oat bars. The children enjoyed tasting this healthy snack. Charlie, Munem and Ayanah were excellent dish and bench washers!

Lavender / Rhubarb

As the Autumn continues we had a few jobs to do in the garden.

Some children deadheaded the lavender bush. We have saved the lavender in order to make some lavender products later in the term.

Another group of children removed the dead and decaying leaves of rhubarb. They also weeded the soil being careful to not damage the rhubarb crowns.

Friendly mini beasts.

As well as the usual worms and ladybirds we also spotted a shield bug and a slug.

Gardening Club 2018-2019

Year 3 have enjoyed their first gardening afternoon.

After a break from gardening during the winter we returned to find the vegetable beds covered in pesky weeds. First job of the afternoon was to begin to tackle this problem. With a group of children from Class 6 on the case we have made a start.

Tackling the weeds!

Rhubarb crumble

Another group of children became chefs for the afternoon. They harvested some of the rhubarb grown in the garden to make a delicious rhubarb crumble. They washed, chopped and mixed the various ingredients. The children then served small portions to the rest of the class. There was a mixture of opinions on the taste of the rhubarb although the majority of children enjoyed the crumble topping.

Feeding the birds.

The last group of children made a delicious feast for our local birds. They hung their completed bird feeders in the trees around the school field.

Gardening week 2. 

Unfortunately, due to heavy rain, we had to spend this session mostly in the classroom. This week some children made biodegradable newspaper pots. Using soil from the garden we filled the pots and planted some beetroot seeds which will hopefully grow over the Summer.

Making newspaper pots.

Finding some friendly worms.

Leek and potato soup!

Some brave children did venture out in the pouring rain to harvest some leeks for our leek and potato soup. The soup was a great success, with most of the children asking for seconds and thirds!

Week 3 - Rosemary and onion potatoes.

This week the children used the rosemary growing in the garden and the onions we harvested previously to make a delicious potato dish. The food was a rated 'delicious' by most of the children.

Looking after the birds.

Some children used lard, bird seed and raisins to make bird feeders. Once the feeders were cooled they hung them in the trees for the birds to enjoy.

Still working on the weeds!

The children have been working hard to get rid of all the weeds which appeared during the Spring term. We now have one bed which is ready for our seedlings which, weather permitting, we will plant out next week.

Creepy crawlies.

The children are enjoying getting to know the local wildlife. We discussed how ladybirds are useful in the garden as they eat the aphids which can cause damage to our plants.

Week 4 Ice cream with raspberry sauce.

This week we harvested some of the ripe raspberries to make a sweet, juicy raspberry sauce. We ate this drizzled over some vanilla ice cream. Delicious! When they had finished the children had to wash and dry their own bowl and cutlery. Well done Class 6.


After a little more weeding we eventually planted some seedlings. We planted some pumpkin seedlings and some cabbage. These will hopefully be ready to harvest in the Autumn term.