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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together


Hi! This is Hannah, Alishah and Lenni here! We have taken over the DT page for our class website on the Hadrian Primary School official page. We 3 are the DT group for the year, and we will be keeping you updated on DT. Alishah, is the pupil that displays the project(s). Hannah, is the pupil that types (like right now), and Lenni is the photographer. We are all very dedicated to what we do and hope to be updating soon.

The DT Bloggers

It's pancake day! Today in class 9, we celebrated pancake day by making pancakes! We wore professional cooking outfits, an apron and a hair net. In groups of 4-6 we made pancake mixtures using the correct recipes and equipment. Once we had finished, we handed over our mixtures to Mrs Giles and Miss Mella, and they cooked them for us. Then they handed over the pancakes to us, and one at a time a table would go to select their toppings. We had Nutella, Whipped Cream, Sugar, Lemon+Sugar and Syrup. We went back to our tables to eat our scrumptious pancakes, and if there was any spares, we were all there to eat them! 😋 
Before Christmas, Mrs Giles taught us some Origami. Alishah loved it so much, she took it to the next level! How talented is she? 

Christmas Cards and Calendars 

Blog by Hannah Robson


Before the Christmas break, Class 9 had a few fun activities planned. Alongside the Origami heaven, we made Christmas cards / calendars. The cards were specially designed by us individual children, with our own unique design. We gave the cards to anybody we chose. Mrs Giles provided us with some utensils for using on our card design. The creativity of Class 9 blew up! Everyone's cards were amazing.


We also made calendars based on the topic, 'flower'. These were very fun to make, and it also helped us to grow our social skills whilst working alongside our peers.  We worked in small groups at a time and taught step by step how to make a 3D calendar. If we got stuck we would just call it a FAIL (First Attempt In Learning).

Nobody was left out and we all had so much fun. We got to take them home to stick on our walls or fridges or anywhere!


Another successful lesson and another treasure to keep whilst making memories!


Making boxes full of imaginary kisses for Carols by Candlelight. We had to use both our maths and DT skills to make a paper 3D box. We made over 100!

Boxes for our kisses

Harton DT Visit

Recently, Class 9 went on a trip to Harton Academy. We went into the DT room and learnt how to make our own key rings. These were made out of hard plastic. We picked multiple animal shapes for our designs and watched them being cut by a laser cutter. It was very satisfying! We also got to pick what we wanted to write on it - only up to three letters though. Most people did their initials.

We got to take them home to show family and friends.

This day was a lot of fun!
