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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Understanding the World

Understanding the World in EYFS is split into 3 parts: People and Communities, The World, and Technology. 


People and Communities: 

This is focused on children celebrating and accepting that all people are not like themselves. We make our children aware of many different celebrations that take place all over the world, such as Chinese New Year and Eid. 


The children have recently participated in Chinese New Year celebrations and even performed their own Chinese dragon dance using musical instruments and ribbons!

We performed our dance to the nursery children and even ate prawn crackers!

The World


The world focuses on our immediate envrionment, our local area and also the wider world. We encourage children to look at similarities, differences, patterns and changes in their environment. 

We achieve this by implementing areas of history, geography and science!


The children have created wormeries and have looked after the worms we discovered in our classroom garden. The children created their wormeries by creating a repeated pattern of sand and soil inside a plastic bottle. We watched the worms burry their way down to the bottom of their wormery. We even held the worms! 


Recently, we have transformed an area of our classroom into a garden centre!

In the garden centre the children have planted seeds, made observations and watched how they have grown overtime. This experience has helped the children learn how to look after the plants in their environment and even some they may have in their back garden at home!


We have also investigated how ice changes overtime.

The children had to use their problem solving skills to work out how to help free toys from the block of ice.

The children realised that if they put the ice cubes in the sun, they would melt and the toys could escape! 





As the world we live in is immersed in new, innovative technology, it is important children are aware of the technology surrounding them at school and at home and how to access this safely. 


We spend time in class talking about how we can stay safe online and that we should always ask a grown up for help is we are unsure or scared about anything we may see online. 


Children have access to laptops, interactive whiteboards and Bee Bots continuously in Class 2!


We also have had the opportunity to programme Blue Bots using iPads! The children really enjoyed this and learned how to connect devices via Bluetooth and how to debug a programme independently. 
