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Thurston meeting for Y5 & Y6 children and parents Thursday 19th September 4.00pm in the school hall
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

EYFS Reception - Miss Nixon

Hello everyone, welcome to our class page. I am Miss Nixon, the class teacher. I teach all the Reception children at Hadrian School, from both Class 2 and Class 3. 


Our Summer Term topics are 'Let's Explore' and 'Fun at the Seaside'. Our focus stories are 'Mouse House' by John Burningham, 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram and 'Mae Jemison' by Mary Nhin in Summer 1 and 'The Pirate's Next Door' by Jonny Duddle and 'Commotion in Ocean' by Giles Andreae and in Summer 2. 


If you have any books relating to our topic at home, why not bring it in for our daily story time? The more books the better! laugh We also welcome parent readers to come and share their love of stories by sharing a story with the children. Please speak to me on the door if you would like to join in.


Library visit days are Monday 2.45pm, if you would like to join your child, parents are welcome from 3pm onwards.



Miss Clark, Mrs Baxter and I will always be happy to support you with any aspect of the Early Years experience. We will be available on a morning or at home time to address any parent concerns or queries. We will ask that all the children are inside safely before we have a conversation, for the safety of the children.


We will do everything we can to ensure that we have a fun and memorable year! smiley


Please take time to look at this page regularly for class information updates and to see the fun that we are having together.


Baseline Assessment  


The Reception children will have a Baseline Assessment during the first six weeks of the term. For more information about this assessment please read the following Government guidance for parents.


Early Learning Goals


At the end of June, the Reception children will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals. 

The Early Learning Goals are the end of Reception Year statements that all our children will be assessed against. Those children who meet all the criteria under each area of development are said to have 'met' the early learning goal and working 'at age-related expectations'.  

We are Reception!

Transition from Reception to Year 1

Maths Medium Term Planning

Upcoming dates for your diary...  smiley


Friday 8th July - Reception Class Trip to Hall Hill Farm in Lanchester.  - ALL DAY - 


Tuesday 28th June, Tuesday 5th July, Tuesday 12th July - Balance Bike Ability Afternoons. Bikes will be provided for each child. 


Tuesday 16th June - Clean Air Day 

Children are challenged to walk to school to raise awareness of our impact on the environment and ways we can reduce our carbon footprint. 


Tuesday 8th June - World Ocean Day -

This international celebration raises awareness of the importance of our oceans. The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface. The oceans are home to millions of Earth's plants and animals—from tiny single-celled organisms to the gargantuan blue whale the planet's largest living animal.

Fish, octopuses, squid, eels, dolphins, and whales swim the open waters. While crabs, octopuses, starfish, oysters, and snails crawl and scoot along the ocean bottom.


Friday 27th May - Inset Day for Queen's Jubilee - School will be closed 


Wednesday 26th May - Children will be making their own afternoon tea, enjoying an outdoor picnic and making crowns in response to the Queen's upcoming  jubilee as well as looking at Queen Elizabeth II's reign. 


Friday 20th May - Bring a plant day! Children and parents are invited into our outdoor area from 11-11.45am to plant a lovely plant/flower with their child. Refreshments will be provided as well as a sit down outdoor story time that parents/guardians are invited to stay for. 


Word Reading/Phonics in Reception (Term by Term breakdown of teaching)

Learning Passports


From the Spring Term, every child in Reception will have their own Learning Passport. This is to encourage children to apply their knowledge and understanding independently through the provision. Each week new challenges will be set that match the children's ability levels and are differentiated by outcome. Children are encouraged to access these challenges in their own learning time. Once a challenge is completed, children can share these with an adult or take a photo to gain a stamp in their passport. Four stamps per week equal a dip in Miss Nixon's special prize box! 


An example of a Learning Passport

Behaviour in Reception


Our fabulous Reception children have created their own class code. They have created the following images to help them remember what is important during their school day. enlightened


We promise to LOVE and RESPECT our school family! heart

We promise to love and respect our school family


















We promise to try our BEST and to SHARE our fabulous ideas!



We promise to use our LISTENING EARS everyday to help us each our FULL POTENTIAL! 



We promise to try our BEST and take CARE of our things!



We promise to TRY our best to sit smartly, ready to learn the HADRIAN WAY!  heart


Summer is on it's way! (Summer Term)

Spring 1 (2022)

Bug Club!

Hadrian Primary School has acquired a reading programme called Bug Club and these books are available to access online at home. This site hosts a huge range of books to compliment pupil’s reading in class and engage them with reading.

Class teachers have set up learners and allocated books appropriate for their level. Your child's details can be found in their home/school reading record.

Logging into Bug Club

Each child has a unique homepage, and can log into it by following these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your login details.
Username: (as in record)
Password: (as in record)
School Code: hadr

Contact me with any login issues.

Merry Christmas from Miss Nixon’s Class...

Still image for this video

Our Autumn Term...

Our First Week Together



Remember to bring in your named PE kit at the beginning of term. PE days in Spring Term are Tuesday and Wednesdays.  All earrings need to be covered or taken out for PE lessons. We will send PE kits home regularly to be washed.

Outdoor Learning!


The children will take part in different Outdoor Learning experiences. 


We understand how valuable outdoor learning is and how this positively contributes to children's development. These experiences will allow children to investigate the world around them and become familiar with their environment. 


Please make sure your child has suitable footwear and clothing at school, as we will be going outdoors in all weathers. 




We will read lots of stories in class as they play a vital role in the growth and development of children. We hope that children will enjoy hearing stories being read to them and discussed at home too.


Children will be given reading books to take home to share and enjoy. We aim to change your child's reading book as frequently as possible. We want reading to be enjoyable for all. 


Please ensure you read with your child as often as you can and return their book to school daily - it really does make a difference!


The children can also access books online. Their individual logins will be provided. 



We use the 'Tapestry' app to record observations of the children in Early Years. We add photographs, videos and comments about your child and what they have been learning at school. This is a lovely way for us to communicate with you as parents and you can also add photographs and comments about your child from home! 


You will be sent an activation code via email to gain access to your child's account. 

Please come and see me if you are having any issues with this. 

The Curriculum!


All of our learning is based on the 7 curriculum areas stated in 'Development Matters'.

We carefully plan our continuous provision activities and focused lessons to ensure children are given varied, frequent opportunities to achieve their full potential. 

All areas are interlinked through our holistic approach to learning. 

Click on the 7 curriculum areas to find out more and see what we have been up to! 
