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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Design technology

Eating seasonally

Class 6 began their D&T project by looking at different climates around the world. They identified how these differing climates affects which fruit and vegetables can be grown in different countries. They realised that not all the fruits and vegetables eaten in the U.K. can be grown here and, therefore, some are imported from other countries.

Eating seasonally

The children investigated which fruits and vegetables are grown in the U.K. and when they are in season.

Eating seasonally

During this session we looked at the fruit and vegetable rainbow. The children learnt that each colour of fruit and vegetables provides us with a variety of nutritional benefits.

Eating seasonally

The children used their knowledge of seasonal vegetables to design an Autumn tart.

Eating seasonally

We harvested some of the vegetables growing in the garden to include in our Autumn tart.

Eating seasonally

Class 6 worked together to create their Autumn tart.

Eating seasonally

All children tasted the tart and evaluated the product design. The majority of children enjoyed the tart and commented that they would not change anything.

Structures: Constructing a castle

Class 6 investigated the features of a variety of different castles. They used this information to draw and label their own castle. In literacy they used their drawing to create a piece of descriptive writing reinforcing the names of the different features.

Structures: Constructing a castle

The children used their knowledge of castles to create a design. 

Structures: Constructing a castle

Using 3D shapes the children practised creating a castle structure. They quickly realised that some of their designs would not work successfully and had to adapt their plans accordingly.

Structures: Constructing a castle

Class 6 began work on constructing their 3D castle structure.