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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Year 5 Miss Chrisite

Welcome to Class 11's Page!


Booster will continue to take place every Tuesday and Wednesday for Y6 - 3:45pm - 4:45pm



Thursday 26th April - Spring Attendance Assemblies

Monday 7th May - May Day (School closed)

Monday 14th May - KS2 SATs week

Friday 25th May - Inservice Day



Year 6 is a very important year for Class 11. As you are aware the children will sit their SATs in May (week beginning 14th May 2018). We will all do our best to support each child to achieve their potential but it is also very important for the children to work hard and attend school everyday in order for them to capitalise from this year. 



Please find below information about our class and what we are taking part in throughout the year. This page will be kept updated with class news and achievements. 

Class news and reminders!

Twice-weekly booster sessions will continue throughout the first part of the summer term on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 3:45pm - 4:45pm.


Please ensure your child attends - it is amazing how much the booster classes can really help.


Literacy homework is sent out on a Thursday and is to be returned on a Monday.

MyMaths homework is set on a Monday and is to be completed by the Thursday.

Using this timetable gives the children plenty of time to come and see their teacher if they are struggling and need some help.

Numeracy Detectives

In our numeracy lessons, we all donned the mantle of Sherlock Holmes to become detectives and use the information on our graphs to work out who the murderer was.



In the autumn term, we studied electricity in Science, researching the history of electricity and exploring circuits.

During the spring term, we learned about the theories of evolution and had some fun suggesting ways in which we would like to evolve - developing wings was a great favourite.

Physical Education

PE lessons will be on Mondays this term but are are subject to change so please ensure that your child has their PE kits in school everyday. They will be training to take part in tournaments this year so it is important that they can participate in sessions. 



Reading Books


We encourage children to bring in their reading books everyday, this enables children to take part in paired reading activities and change them when needed. We also ask parents to read with their child each night.

Basic Skills


We have a commitment to Basic Skills in Year 6, everyday we plan for a range of activities to develop Numeracy and Literacy skills, aside from general Literacy and Numeracy lessons. This includes spelling strategies, guided reading, handwriting, mental maths tests, times tables, basic maths skills, speed writing, paired reading and grammar and punctuation activities.

