Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Hadrian Primary School Governor Diversity Evaluation 2024-25
(Returns 8 from 12)
Gender | Number of board responses |
Female | 6 |
Male | 2 |
Other Gender identity | - |
Choose not to say | - |
Age Group | Number of board responses |
18 to 40 | 2 |
41 to 60 | 3 |
61 or over | 3 |
Choose not to say | - |
Disability | Number of board responses |
Disability requiring additional support and or adjustments | - |
Disability requiring no additional support and or adjustments | 1 |
No disability | 7 |
Choose not to say | - |
Sexual orientation | Number of board responses |
Bisexual | - |
Gay or lesbian | 8 |
Straight/Heterosexual |
Other sexual orientation | - |
Choose not to say | - |
Ethnic Group | Number of board responses |
Asian or Asian British |
Bangladeshi |
Chinese |
Indian |
Pakistani |
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African | |
African background |
Caribbean |
Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean background |
Mixed or multiple background |
White and Asian |
White and Black African |
White and Black Caribbean |
Any other mixed or multiple background |
White | |
English, welch, Scottish, Northern Irish or British | 8 |
Gypsy or Irish Traveller |
Irish |
Roma |
Other ethic |
Arab |
Any other ethnic group |
Choose not to say |
Religion | Number of board responses |
Buddist | - |
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) | 6 |
Hindu | - |
Jewish | - |
Muslim | - |
Sikh | - |
No Religion | 2 |
Any other religion | - |
Choose not to say | - |
Proximity to school or trust | Number of board responses |
Less than 1 mile (Walking distance) | 4 |
2 to 5 miles (up to 10 minutes drive) | 3 |
6 to 15 miles (up to 30 minutes drive) | 1 |
16 to 40 miles (up to 1 hour drive) | - |
More than 40 miles | - |
Choose not to say | - |
Experience of a school as a parent or carer | Number of board responses |
I am a parent or carer of a child/children currently of school age | 2 |
I am a parent carer of a child/children who have completed their education | 1 |
I am not a parent carer | 5 |
Choose not to say | - |
Further comments on parental experience |
Choose not to say | - |
Type of school attended | Number of board responses |
State run or state-funded school | 7 |
Independent or fee-paying school | 1 |
Attended school outside the UK | - |
Choose not to say | - |
Other type of educational setting | - |
Experience of care system | Number of board responses |
Looked after/in the care of the local authority during all or some of my period of school education | - |
Not looked after/in the care of the local authority | 7 |
Choose not to say | 1 |
Continued education after leaving school | Number of board responses |
Further education (sixth form/college) | 2 |
Higher education (university) | 4 |
Apprenticeship route | - |
Did not continue education | - |
Choose not to say | 2 |
Eligible for free school meals | Number of board responses |
Eligible | 1 |
Not eligible | 7 |
Don’t know | - |
Not applicable | - |
Chose not to say | - |