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Parents Evening is Monday 14th October
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Year 5 Miss Christie

Welcome to Year 5's class page.


Here in Year 5 we strive to achieve the best of our abilites through motivating and engaging activites. Although we are a large class, we are all dedicated to working as a group and demonstrate the schools beliefs and values within our classroom environment.


Please find below information about our class and what we are taking part in throughout the year. This page will be kept updated with class news and achievements.


For details regarding the Year 5 curriculum please see Curriculum Maps - Year 5.





Class News and Reminders!


Please remember that gardening is starting the first Thursday back to school. Children will need clothes appropriate for all weather conditions.


Dates for your diary!


Wed 2nd Sept - First day back at school!


Weekly Homework

Year 5 receive their homework on a Thursday and should be returned by Tuesday. The homework will change each week and will include Literacy and Numeracy, as well as any additional activities that link to the topics they are looking at in school.


The Numeracy homework is online on the MyMaths webpage. Each child has a log in for this. Help is available on the webpage, if needed, in the form of the 'lesson' page.


Children have the opportunity to ask any questions when the homework is set. There is also a Homework club within school that children are able to attend (please see extra curricular activities page).

Physical Education

This term children be focuses on Dance as part of their PE lessons. These sessions will be on a Tuesday afternoon, please ensure children have everything needed to take part.



Here in Year 5 we take part in Gardening every Thurday afternoon. We are trusted with keeping the garden within the school grounds in working order. The vegetable that we grow are used to cook with each week. The children enjoy the process of selecting the vegetables, preparing them for cooking, following the recipe and then trying the finished product at the end of the afternoon.
Children also have the opportunity to use the outdoor fit pit, although this is dependent on weather.


We hope to upload photographs on a regular basis to keep you up to date with the progress we are making.


Please ensure your child has the suitable clothing or 'gardening kit' every Thursday, including wellies and waterproofs.

Fruit For You!

Year 5 are incharge of the healthy tuck shop that is available to the children of Hadrian each break time and before school.

The children had to go through formal interviews and applications for the job role they were assigned.

Each member of the team is essential in keeping the tuck shop running. They are constantly coming up with new ideas and promotions to increase the popularity of the tuck shop.


For more information on snacks and prices see Extra Curricular Activities page.
