Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Dates for your Diary
Friday 3rd April - Break for Easter
Literacy homework is sent out on a Thursday and is to be returned on a Monday - this homework usually consists of spellings and grammar work. MyMaths homework is set on a Monday and is to be completed by the Thursday. Your child may also be given 'Talk Homework' on a Thursday night which needs to be completed and brought back in on Friday morning, ready for Extended Writing. Y6 children are also expected to go on Reading Plus as much as they can to help with their reading.
If your child is struggling with their homework, they are welcome to come and see Miss Pattison BEFORE their homework is due in. This means that we can go over the homework together in enough time.
PE lessons in Y6 are subject to change, so please ensure that children have their P.E kit every day. We will be going on many trips to take part in tournaments, so it is vital that children have their kits in for training. PE this term will be a Tuesday afternoon.
We encourage children to bring in their reading books everyday, this enables children to take part in paired reading activities and change their books when needed. We also ask parents to read with their child each night. We are also using Reading Plus, your children have their own login; there are great challenges for the children to complete.
We have a commitment to Basic Skills in Year 6, everyday we plan for a range of activities to develop Maths and English skills, aside from general English and Maths lessons. This includes spelling strategies, shared reading, handwriting, mental maths tests, times tables, arithmetic, paired reading and grammar and punctuation activities.
If your child has been advised by health professionals to self-isolate or you need to for family reasons, here are some useful websites that you can access with your children. We will also encourage you to read with your child, they can either read a book or read on Reading Plus.