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Thurston meeting for Y5 & Y6 children and parents Thursday 19th September 4.00pm in the school hall
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

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Around The World - India

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In music we have been looking at music from India. This week we listened to some musical clips from Bollywood. The children then used the instruments to play a combination of notes (C D F G B C B G F D C) to play a rag. (A rag is a series of notes which Indian music uses to create the tune.).

Adding a drone.

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The children used the instruments to add a drone. (A drone is simply one note played over and over in the background, which sounds a bit like someone humming a long held note.). To create the drone they played either notes D or B.

Adding a tal.

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The children learnt how to add a tal to their music. (A tal simply plays a repeated rhythm.) Although simple, the rhythm they used had three different sounds. Each word represented a different sound played on the tabla/drum (dhin, na and tin).

Adding a tal.

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Using the drums the children played the 3 sounds in a rhythm. They followed the pattern - Dhin na dhin dhin na tin na dhin dhin na.