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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y1 Mrs Shaw

Image result for clip art welcome class 3


Welcome to Class 3!


We are a Year 1 class and our teachers are Mrs Shaw and Miss Melvin. PE this term is usually on Fridays - please ensure children have their full PE kits with them and earrings are removed. Sometimes PE days can change so it is important that PE kits are left in school. Children will need to bring a school bag every day to carry their reading book and letters. Please try to hear your child read day where possible and send their book back to school the following day. During the term the children will be issued with homework on Thursdays - this is to be returned by the following Monday. Sometimes we have on-line homework and the log-ins and passwords for Bug Club and My Maths are at the front of your child's homework book. We value your support with their homework.

This term our work includes :


Image result for clip art english infant

In English we’re working on…

  •  Writing in sentences.

  •  Story telling/ Story writing.

  •  Information Reports , Instructions  and

  •  Recounts.

  •  Using a dictionary

  •  Character descriptions.

  •  Descriptive language and inference.

  •  SPAG– Spellings linked to phonics and high frequency words. Prefixes, suffixes and capital letters for names .

  •  Correct letter formation and sizing.



In Maths we’re working on…

  •   Numbers and Place Value

  •  Number bonds to 10 and 20.

  •  Problem solving and reasoning.

  •  Measurement-Length, Weight and Capacity.

  •  Addition and subtraction including mental.

  •  Shape, space and pattern

  •  Multiplication and Division.

  •  Fractions.



This term’s topic based work includes...

  •   Computing: E safety and computer  programming.

  •  PE: Gymnastics and throwing and catching.

  •  RE: Islam and Churches and Christian Buildings.

  •  Science Seasonal Change and Plants.

  •  Music: Your Imagination.

  •  PSHE: Asking for help, feelings, dealing with worries, making choices and helping each other.

  •  History: Seaside holidays in the past.

  •  Geography: Around the World.

  •  Art: Nature Sculptures.

  •  DT: Playgrounds.


We look forward to continuing to work with you and your child.



Class 3 working hard!
