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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y2 Mrs Fox

Welcome to Class 5


The teachers working in our class are Miss Goodall, Miss Pippin and Mrs Greener. 

Year 2 is an important and exciting year. We will be working very hard on improving our literacy and numeracy skills. There are lots of different areas to cover so it is very important that your child attends school regularly.

This is also the year that we have the staring parts in the school play.

Each week all children will take part in a guided reading activity. Please try to hear your child read their reading book at home and bring it into school each day.


Our school promotes basic skills and we will appreciate your support.  In the foundation subjects we will be learning about the following topics.


  • Science-Animals including Humans.
  • Computing- Online safety/ Using The Internet
  • PE- Multi skills/ Gymnastics
  • Geography- Wonderful Weather. 
  • History- The Great Fire of London 
  • RE-Why the Bible is special to Christians/ Christmas. 
  • Art- Famous Artis.
  • DT- Christmas cards/ calendars.
  • Music- Harvest and Christmas songs.
  • PHSE- New beginnings/ getting on and falling out. 


Important things to support your child:

  • ​Please read at home every day with your child and send the reading book to school daily. 
  • When homework starts it will be given out on a Thursday and should be handed in by the following Tuesday.
  • All children need to keep their PE kit in school as PE times can change. It will usually be on a Monday and ear rings must be removed or covered with plasters (Please provide plasters). 
  • Children need to bring a school bag each day for their reading book and school letters.


The teachers are available at the end of the day to support you with any queries. We will be adding photos to our class page through the year. 

Ice Skating at the Centre for Life
