Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Welcome to Class 2
We are a Reception class with Mrs Donnelly as the teacher. Mrs Waters, Mrs Noble and Miss Boner are the teaching assistants.
Our Day
We start the day with Phonics (learning sounds) to help the children with their reading and writing.
We then have planning time where the children choose where they would like to learn. They can choose from a range of activities both indoors and outdoors, such as writing, construction, creative, role play and number. Activities in these areas are based on objectives for the term and the children's interests.
We finish the morning with focused Literacy and Maths activities, children working one to one or in a small group with an adult.
In the afternoon we start with an active numeracy session. We then continue with more planning and small group work covering a range of curriculum areas. We finish the day with basic skills and guided reading.
Our Week
Thursday and Friday are PE days. Please ensure your child has a PE kit to leave in school, a white t-shirt, blue shorts and a pair of plimsoles. Please remove earrings for that day.
This is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Could you please ensure that all clothing has your child's name in. Reading books need to be returned on a daily basis.
Summer term Topics
Local area/seaside
Growing and life cycles
Toys in the past
Places of worship
Healthy eating
Children's interests
Literacy Focus
Speaking and listening skills.
Locating information in fact books.
Writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and reading what they have written.
Making up their own stories and attempting to write them.
Numeracy Focus
Ordering and writing 0 to 20 forwards and backwards.
Practical calculations including 1 more and less to 20.
Adding and subtracting single digit numbers.
Counting in 2s and 10s
Doubling and halving