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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Y5 Mrs Giles

Welcome to Year 5!

Dates for your Diary


Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

Friday 6th March - Friday 15th March - British Science Week

Sunday 8th March ( to be celebrated in school on Monday 9th March) International Women’s Day

Wednesday 1st April - Design and make Easter Eggs

Friday 3rd April - Spring term ends. 


Join us in celebrating our learning by looking at what we have discovered in each subject. Children have been assigned different subjects and will regularly blog about their learning



It is vital that children complete all homework given. Homework is set for two reasons - to prepare children for future learning and to consolidate prior learning.


English homework is sent out on a Thursday and is to be returned on a Monday - this homework usually consists of spellings and grammar work.  


MyMaths homework is set on a Monday and is to be completed by the Thursday.


Your child may also be given 'Talk Homework' on a Thursday night which needs to be completed and brought back in on Friday morning, ready for Extended Writing.



Y5 children are also expected to go on Reading Plus as much as they can to help with their reading.


If your child is struggling with their homework, they are welcome to come and see Mrs Giles BEFORE their homework is due in. This means that we can go over the homework together in enough time. 


PE in Class 9




PE lessons in Y5 are subject to change, so please ensure that children have their PE kit every day. We will be going on many trips to take part in tournaments, so it is vital that children have their kits in for training. PE this term will be a Wednesday afternoon and we will be going swimming on Tuesday mornings. 

Great readers, make great writers!





Please ensure that your child is bringing their reading book to school with them everyday. Reading frequently will support and enhance your child's writing ability. They develop so many new ideas from reading as well as being introduced to a vast range of vocabulary. It is also imperative that you continue to read with your child at home. Mrs Giles has a collection of new books which your child may be interested in taking home and reading with a parent. 





Curriculum Map 2019/2020
