Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
BBC Bitesize lessons -
Prodigy Maths game -
Literacy Planet -
Welcome to Class 5. We are a Year 2 class that will be working very hard throughout the year to prepare for our SAT tests in May. Every morning we start with a Read Write Inc Spelling lesson, followed by English and Maths. Our English lessons include SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Foundation topics are covered in afternoons.
Dates for your diary
Monday 6th January - Start of Spring Term 1
Monday 13th January - Year 2 Booster begins
Monday 3rd February - Parents Evening
Friday 7th February - Number Day
Friday 14th February - In-service Day and end of Spring Term 1
Monday 24th February - Start of Spring Term 2
Wednesday 1st April - Making Easter Eggs
Thursday 2nd April - Display Easter Eggs for children to view
Friday 3rd April - Close for Easter Holidays
Our PE day is Wednesday. Remember to bring in your PE kit at the beginning of each week. All earrings need to be covered or taken out for PE lessons.
Our spring term topics are;
Science: Living in Habitats. The Environment.
Computing: E Safety and Word Processing Skills.
Geography: Mapping.
History: Nurturing Nurses.
Art: Self Portraits. Fabricate.
Music: Animals.
PSHE: Making a class charter, Getting to know each other, Problem Solving. Happy Playtimes and Making Choices
RE: How is the Qur'an treated as sacred. Why did Jesus tell stories?
D&T: Fruit and Vegetables, Perfect Pizzas
PE: Gymnastics: Landscapes and Cityscapes. Yoga.
Homework is given out on Thursdays. It must be returned no later than the following Tuesday.
Reading Books
Children are asked to bring reading books into school every day. Children who bring in reading books everyday will have more opportunities to read in school and change their books.