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Children return to school after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together


Animals including humans.

The children worked together to sort the foods into the most appropriate nutrient type. 
Class 6 understood that all animals including humans can be dividing into those which have backbones (vertebrates) and those which do not (invertebrates).
We then grouped the animals according to which type of skeleton they have. An endoskeleton is a hardened internal skeleton. An exoskeleton is a hard external framework. A hydrostatic skeleton, or hydroskeleton, is a kind of skeleton that is composed of soft tissue filled with an incompressible fluid or gel-like substance.
The children identified the main bones which form the human skeleton. 

Labelled skeleton

The children labelled the skeleton using both the common bone names and the scientific bone names.

Making their own skeleton.


The children began the new topic of light by sorting the objects into those which do and those which do not produce light. 

Using our sense of touch.

We discussed what life would be like if there wasn't any light. We concluded that if the world was pitch dark we would have to rely on our other senses. We tried using our sense of touch to see if we could identify a variety of hidden objects. The children identified some of the objects straight away but found others quite tricky.

Testing materials.

The children tested 6 different materials to determine which was the best at reflecting light. They concluded that materials which are flat, smooth and shiny make the best light reflectors.

Mirrors and reflection.

This lesson we looked at mirrors and their reflective properties. We carried out a variety of mini tests using mirrors.

Testing materials.

Class 6 were challenged to find out the best material to make curtains for a baby's room. They had to investigate which material blocked out the most light. They concluded that material that was closely woven was the most suitable.

Rocks and Soils

Class 6 used the magnifying glasses to investigate a variety of different rocks.

Rocks and Soils

The children tested the durability, density, permeability and hardness of a variety of natural rocks. They used this information to sort them into groups according to their own criteria.

Rocks and Soils

During this topic we found out lots of information about how soil was made. As a class we made a compost bin to investigate how soil is formed.

Firstly we added a layer of small stones. Then we added some soil / compost. Next we went into the garden area and dug up some worms to add. Then we added a layer of food for the worms. Finally we added a layer of paper and brown cardboard. We made sure each layer was damp so the worms would not dry up. We also put a layer of cardboard around the outside of the compost bin as we found out that worms like to be kept in the dark. We will check on the worms in a couple of weeks tiem then we will return them to the garden area.
