Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
Physical Development
Physical Development is separated into 2 parts: Gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
Gross Motor:
Part of physical development focuses on children's ability to use their gross skills effectively to complete everyday tasks. The children will participate in PE lessons where we learn how to negotiate space and obstacles safely, how to consider our own movements and the movements of others and how to do this sensibly. move carefully and sensibly. We will spend lots of time focusing on children's larger muscle movements so they can develop their strength, balance and coordination skills when playing and moving in a variety of ways.
Fine Motor:
The children have access to different daily funky finger activities which help improve their hand-eye co-ordination and their fine motor skills. We focus on ensuring children achieve a comfortable and efficient pencil grip so they are ready to write and draw with fluency. We provide the children with other small tools to help refine these skills.