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Thurston meeting for Y5 & Y6 children and parents Thursday 19th September 4.00pm in the school hall
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Hadrian Primary School

"Pupils enjoy coming to school everyday, they are highly motivated and leaders and teachers are enthusiastic about providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils" Ofsted 2022

Be Unique;Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

What are we learning about this term?

What are we learning about this term?


In literacy we are reading Groosham Grange by Anthony Horowitz. Our Literacy lessons will be focused around the book and we will be completing diary entries, letters, newspaper articles and even some drama. We will also be completing a topic on journalistic writing and biographies and autobiographies. 

In Numeracy we are focusing on the four rules of number such as division, multiplication, subtraction and addition. We will also be looking at place value and shapes.

In Science we are learning about Interdependence and Adaption and Micro-organisms.

In History we are learning about WW2 and what life was like as a child at this time.

In Geography we will be learning about Rivers and Mountains.

In RE and PSHE we are learning about Belonging and different religious beliefs.

In Art we are looking at different masks and their uses for occasions.

In D&T we will be making WW2 shelters.

We will also be completing our Christmas Play this year which is 'Aladdin Trouble'
