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  • English

    Welcome to the English page!


    The teaching of English at Hadrian is designed to create endless opportunities to provide a positive reading and writing culture, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered ‘a pleasure’ for all children. Our school vision Being unique: believing, achieving, succeeding together guides and influences learning by ensuring that all of our children are given learning opportunities to achieve their full potential in all areas of English. By giving children the key skills and knowledge in English they will be enabled to access material in all curriculum areas, and provide a foundation for their learning throughout their school career. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening that will last them a lifetime. We want children, who can use discussion, to communicate and further their learning. We are very aware of our high percentage of children with English as an additional language and that some of our children’s early language acquisition is limited, and this is why we believe that providing a language rich environment, with a strong focus on oracy, is essential for success across the curriculum. 


    At Hadrian, it is our aim to provide the necessary lifelong skills to be able to become avid readers. We expect our children to confidently read fluently and widely for pleasure and information; allowing them to express preferences and opinions about the texts that they read. Having had access to a wide range of quality text types, genres and authors, children will be enabled to make informed opinions about their favourites. We want children to develop a love of reading and a good knowledge of a range of authors, and be able to understand more about the world in which they live, through the knowledge they’ve gained from texts.


    At Hadrian, we believe that the ability to communicate effectively through writing is a critical lifelong skill. We want children to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

    Throughout their time at Hadrian Primary School, we want children to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and the ability to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they have learnt. We aim to ensure children strive for continuous improvement in our inclusive culture of learning.


    At Hadrian we view the teaching of English as fundamental to the holistic development of our children, fostering positive behaviours and attitudes toward leaning and providing key knowledge and skills to benefit children throughout their education and beyond.


    To form the foundations for lifelong readers, systematic daily teaching of Sounds-Write phonics has a high priority in EYFS and KS1. In Nursery, children begin to develop their listening skills and to discriminate between sounds, recognising rhythm, rhyme and alliteration. In Reception and KS1, children learn to read using the Sounds-Write linguistic phonics approach. Staff systematically teach learners the relationships between sounds and spelling patterns. Phonics is delivered in a whole class format because it enables staff to ensure that application is there across all subjects embedding that process in a rich literacy environment for early readers. In Reception and Year 1, teaching of phonics is enhanced by activities such Polly Phonics with South Shields FC. Intervention is planned for children working below expected levels. Children who require further support in phonics in KS2 continue with dedicated phonics sessions.

    To develop fluency in reading throughout EYFS and KS1, we provide a sequence of Dandelion reading books that show cumulative progression in phonic knowledge that are matched closely to the Sounds-Write phonic programme. By Year 2 and moving into KS2, we have a variety of different reading schemes and a wide variety of appropriate quality texts that cover all genres. Our books are banded to show progression for all children. Provision includes schemes such as Dandelion Readers, Sounds-Write, ORT, Project X and Songbirds

    We ensure sufficient practice in reading and re-reading books that match the grapheme/phoneme correspondence already known. This is delivered both at school and home. Alongside KS2, Reading Plus is used to support every child to become independent fluent readers

    To support children with their fluency and understanding on their reading journey children access shared reading and guided reading. In Reception, KS1 and some KS2 classes, 1:1 reading is used to support children through their progression through the book bands.

    At Hadrian, we encourage a love of reading through our well-resourced library, special events; such as National Poetry Day and World Book Day, themed days, author visits, book fairs, clubs and we are proud of our strong partnership with The Word to ensure a rich and varied literary heritage. During daily DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) as well as through literacy lessons, all children have classic texts read to them in all year groups. This may include Traditional Tales and Rhymes in EYFS and KS1 through to classic novels in KS2.

    Reading is not only encouraged at school, but at home too. Along with use of reading band books and school library books, children have online access to Reading Plus, Bug Club and Oxford Reading Buddies. The online tools aim to support children and parents with fluency as well as modelling and supporting with different types of questions that can help delve a deeper comprehensive understanding of books children are reading.


    At Hadrian we strive to create a positive writing culture to ensure sufficient progress to meet or exceed age related expectations through our engaging and structured curriculum.

    We ensure this positive writing culture by showing children how we value their writing through classroom and whole school displays. At the end of some teaching sequences, children also have the opportunity to perform their writing that is available for children in their class to access on Seesaw. We also send this to the outer world through social media platforms so that our learning does not stop in the classroom. Our ‘Free Write Friday’ is used to provide children opportunities to encourage their own pleasure in wiring. Writer of the week is also displayed on our class/school notice boards.

    Teachers develop confidence in children’s writing through transcription and composition. Transcription is taught through the teaching of spelling using Sumdog, weekly SPaG lessons are linked to the context of learning alongside continuous teaching of SPaG during all English lesson through texts and writing skills, weekly letter-join lessons support handwriting. Composition is taught by supporting children in articulating ideas through drama and discussion giving them a foundation to start their writing, as well as children having an awareness of audience, purpose, context and widening vocabulary.

    To engage children in their reading and writing, we follow a literature spine that has quality texts dedicated to each year group. These quality texts are updated annually to allow for new book releases. These texts promote knowledge of plot, character vocabulary and genre that feeds into children’s writing. 

    At Hadrian, the teaching of writing ensures coverage of all genres as well as opportunities of teaching across the curriculum. Genre coverage is mapped out to ensure whole school progression. Daily literacy lessons are organised through a common teaching sequence used by KS1 and KS2. This teaching sequence integrates benchmarking prior knowledge, reading exemplars and exploring comparative texts, exploring vocabulary, explicitly teaching spelling and grammar objectives in context to what children are learning. It provides a gradual release from shared and guided writing allowing children to produce their own independent writing. Children are also given further opportunity to demonstrate their learning and understanding through fortnightly independent extended writing lessons that follow up the genre covered two weeks prior. Independent extended writing sessions will also provide opportunities for writing across the curriculum e.g. whole school celebrations such as; Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Children in Need, World Book Day.

    Children receive daily feedback through whole class or one to one conversations to address and cover misconceptions.

    Progress of children’s writing is tracked through our online tracker system, as well as termly key stage moderation sessions. Children have regular opportunities to self and peer assess their writing. Along with verbal and written feedback, children are able to understand their next steps in their writing journey, supporting them to reach the end point of their finished piece of writing. Teachers will use this assessment to inform their planning moving forward.

    At Hadrian, we have a KS1 and KS2 moderator for the local authority in school that oversees whole school moderation. This is also done annually alongside the Local Authority Literacy Lead. We have moderated with other schools that have similar cohorts of children.


    By the end of their journey at Hadrian Primary School, we hope that children leave with highly developed communication skills that they can take with them to secondary education and beyond. Success is not only achieved through children’s attainment, but through their engagement with, and enthusiasm for, the many English opportunities that have been provided throughout their time with us. Through our inclusive culture of learning, regardless of children’s starting point on their journey with us; particularly those with early developing English speaking skills, are all challenged in their own thinking and problem solving. We give children the skills and knowledge to communicate effectively to make valuable contributions locally, globally and to contribute to their own sustainable future.


    When our children leave our school, we expect them to be avid readers. Children can read fluently and widely, with a thirst for reading a range of genres and text types; including poetry. Children appreciate the joy and wonder of reading and are able to express preferences and opinions about the texts that they read.


    Through the teaching of writing at Hadrian our children develop the skills to effectively communicate and express themselves with the written word. Children are able to write across a range of forms and adapt their writing successfully considering the purpose. They are well-prepared to move into secondary school and to further develop their skills to tackle more challenging tasks. Outcome of work in English and Topic books evidence the high quality of work and the impact of cross curricular writing opportunities.

    Reading for Pleasure

    At Hadrian, we expect our children to confidently read fluently and widely for pleasure and information. The importance of reading for pleasure can sometimes be overlooked, however reading for pleasure can be fun and very rewarding. When children enjoy reading, it will support and benefit their whole education.

    We have many opportunities in school to read for pleasure, but we also encourage links with stories they have enjoyed at home. Everyday, all classes have DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. Stories are chosen from recommendations on Class Padlet pages. Our Padlet pages are accessible on children's Google Classrooms. By sharing the stories that are read at home, we will then have the opportunity to read some of those stories at school during DEAR time.

    Infant parents will also have the opportunity to enjoy school library time with their children at the end of the school day. Check with your child's teacher for your designated library day. 

    These are some of our reading areas around school.

    Please see below how you can help support your child and the benefits of reading for pleasure.

    Our School Library. We love spending time in the library

    Reading Buddies. Once each week we pair up with a buddy from a different class to read.

    Teachers' Reading Group

    Reading for pleasure has been a huge focus for us as a school. Click the picture below to see what we got up to when we joined the OU/UKLA Teachers’ Reading Group.

    • Crickweb
      Fun online games for Early Years, KS1 and KS2

    Reading for pleasure- useful websites on children’s books to help promote a love of reading.

      This site helps young people, parents and teachers to find out about Children’s books. There is information about new and classic titles with expert advice to help you find the best children’s books available. Children's Zones have games and activities and a specialist School Zone full of helpful resources.

      This site has reading lists from Year 1 to Year 9. Free downloads of the openings of books to sample once subscribed. Subscription is free.

      A site for both children and parents, with advice on choosing books and encouraging reluctant readers.

      Provides a book information service and has information about awards and publications.